Podcast — Ugly Pike

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Landry Smith pt 2

Landry Smith pt 2

In part 2 of our discussion with Landry Smith, the discussion turns to focus on methods and targeting muskies.  Specifically, Landry puts on a clinic where modifying and repairing baits are concerned, and also provides great insights into where and how to target big fish.  Topics include:   

  • Casting methods - Situating or burying hooks into soft plastics for not fouling/getting a perfect land after casting

  • Live scopes and soft plastics

  • Repairing rubber baits after strikes

Landry Smith pt 1

Landry Smith pt 1

Episode 168 is live!! In this session we sit down with Landry Smith, the creator of one of the most sought after and difficult to get rubber baits - the Rover Bait. Landry not only talks about his journey as an accidental muskie enthusiast but also divulges a ton of information on great fishing methods, how to work baits, and how to target big muskies! Points of interest for this awesome discussion include:

- Changing rods and introducing different rod features to up your game

- Stumbling into the muskie universe

- How to scale a bait building operation

- Ugly Pike makes a special announcement about beer

- What makes Rover Baits different, how to use them, and how they act

- LSC fishing methods and best

- Colour selection in lures

- When to swap a non productive bait and how to troubleshoot or do different things with a bait

- Confidence and how it works

- Deep water targeting

John Pensyl pt 2

John Pensyl pt 2

Part 2 in our talk with John Pensyl goes into even more detail.  John's mastery of muskie fishing is on full display as he drills down on past and present methods and how he uses what he has learned, along with new approaches and innovations, to maximize the number of fish he puts in the boat.  A true master class. Points include: 

  • Part 2 in our talk with John Pensyl goes into even more detail.  John's mastery of muskie fishing is on full display as he drills down on past and present methods and how he uses what he has learned, along with new approaches and innovations, to maximize the number of fish he puts in the boat.  A true master class. Points include: 

    • How to take full advantage of presentation to catch more fish 

    • Putting your bait in the right spot at the right time 

    • Merging old methods with new technology (ethically) 

John Pensyl pt 1

John Pensyl pt 1

Episode 166 is live!! In this episode we had the opportunity to speak with and learn from a truly elite muskie angler - John Pensyl. As we got into this conversation, it became apparent that John's casual facade underlied not only an incredible amount of time spent on the water, but also a relentless level of detail to his approach. This is an episode that will inspire all anglers to push themselves to the limit in order to get multiple 50+ inches in the boat every season! Topics include:

- Niagara River/Lake Erie fisheries

- Precision targeting

- Lifestyle and fishing partners' importance to maximizing time on the water

- The amazing work and value to anglers that is the Niagara Musky Association

Boat Meat (Full Moon Friday)

Boat Meat (Full Moon Friday)

In this Full Moon Friday chat, the boys talk about Frank's recent trip down to the Chicago Musky Expo!  Chris and Frank talk about what was new and exciting at the show and how this event differs from the Muskie Odyssey that Canadian listeners are used to attending.  Following this, Master Butcher Robbie Aggarwal, owner of Norcini & Co in Niagara Falls joins the discussion as the Ugly Pike Podcast prepares to launch its "Boat Meat" line of products.  High end, well sourced and made meat based protein snacks that every angler needs in their fishing bag!  Robbie runs a master class on how sourcing well fed and raised meat is key to a healthy diet, and also goes into detail on the different cuts of meat and how to best prepare them! 

Marlon Prince pt 1

Marlon Prince pt 1

In this episode we check in with an amazing guide from a truly unique and amazing fishery - Marlon Prince.  It has been years since we have sat down with Marlon and a lot has changed out East!  Most anglers know what a bounty the eastern waters like the Saint John River is but many are unaware just how round and fat their muskies get. From dodging icebergs on home water, to fishing in tricky river currents, we talked about so many things during this great session!   Points include:

  • How Marlon has been cultivating his career

  • Marlons second favourite fish to target / guiding style

  • Breaking down the Eastern region and topography   

  • How and where muskies are located on the Saint John River

  • Why New Brunswick muskies are so fat

  • The ethics of fishing in hot weather / deep water

Marlon Prince pt 2

Marlon Prince pt 2

In this second part of our chat with ace guide Marlon Prince, we drill down on his region out East. We talk about the politics of muskie fishing as the popularity of the sport grows and get into which tactics and gear anglers should use when fishing these unique waters for big toothy monsters! Topics include:

- The politics of muskie fishing in New Brunswick

- Baits and tackle used on the Saint John River for optimal results

- Fishing with wire line

- Discussing the great Canadian fisheries

- Jigging for muskies on the Saint John River

- How covid restrictions lead to a rediscovery of that regional fishery for many

John Gillespie pt 2

John Gillespie pt 2

Episode 162 is the conclusion of our epic discussion with fishing media legend John Gillespie.  This was such an enjoyable session as we picked John's fishing brain about what it takes, and what it is like being an angling media success.  Highlights include:   

  • Sucker fishing, quick strike rigs, and when/how to set the hook

  • Protecting resources and spots while doing a fishing show

John Gillespie pt 1

John Gillespie pt 1

Episode 161 is live and it was a special one! It is not every week that we get to interview a living legend. Few people work as hard as John Gillespie does on his show Waters and Woods. Over the years John has kept up an unthinkable schedule, releasing weekly shows that every angler has watched at one point. John sits with us and shares his amazing insights on a career as an industry leader. Topics include:

- John's start in media with his back against the wall

- Turning a life passion into income

- The key to building a successful fishing show

- Fishing with muskie legends, their differences and similarities

Year in Review (Full Moon Friday)

Year in Review (Full Moon Friday)

In this episode Chris recalls his amazing trip to the Serengeti in Tanzania, Africa including a nail biting encounter with a persistent lion!  Following this, the guys recall notable discussions and valuable insights  gained during interviews with some of the best muskie anglers on the planet in 2023!  This was a groundbreaking year for the Ugly Pike Podcast and we sincerely thank the listeners and the team at the Outdoor Journal Radio Podcast Network!